Wednesday 12 March 2014


The costume we chose consisted of an old metropolitan police jacket, a flannel shirt, at an old black t-shirt, cargo trousers and boots. Our character also wore a dust mask, due to the 'post apocaylptic air' We chose the costume we did as it displayed our character as an Average Joe, and highlighted that he was in this world without any specialist equipment or skills. The clothes we chose are all quite old and look worn, particulaly the jacket, which has the odd tear and frays coming off it. This definately adds to the post apolcalypitc feel we are trying to acheive in our trailer due to the scruffy, deshevilled look of the clothes. We used a few props, but not all that many, the main one we used was a colt replica BB pistol and an air rifle with a scope. The pistol in particular, pretty much became part of the costume as he carried it throughout the trailer in the post-apocalyptic sequence in the trailer.

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