Tuesday 1 April 2014

Evaluation feedback

You have made a good start on your evaluation, with work on task one (although you should add in how you have conformed to/subverted the conventions for each point) and four.

Titles of posts - make sure all are titled 'Evaluation Task x'
Evaluation task 3 - re-upload the audience feedback for your finished trailer - you should sum up what you have learned (positive and areas to develop) in your analysis
Evaluation task 2 - record a voice over/interview style footage where you discuss how the three tasks combine effectively to create a marketing campaign
Evaluation task 4 - what about the software you used to create your poster/magazine cover? Blogger to record your work? YouTube to view other trailers etc? The camera? Make sure all of this is discussed.
Remember to also upload any written responses you complete for exam preparation to add to your evaluation

Thursday 13 March 2014

Special Effects.

For the special effects we decided to be more reserved than our previous project last year. We opted opting for some simple muzzle flashes and added gun sounds as its just the trailer. The reasoning behind this was to make the trailer feel a lot more raw and gritty then your average Hollywood blockbuster of the same genre. In this shot we can see the main character returning fire on other survivors, you can see the muzzle flash added into the shot and there is also gun shot sounds added that obviously you can't hear from this still image. The muzzle flashes were added in for obvious reasons such as we didn't have real guns or even blank firing guns that would produce there own muzzle flashes and if we had not added them in it would have looked weird. The gunshot sounds were also added in for the same reasons.

Wednesday 12 March 2014


The costume we chose consisted of an old metropolitan police jacket, a flannel shirt, at an old black t-shirt, cargo trousers and boots. Our character also wore a dust mask, due to the 'post apocaylptic air' We chose the costume we did as it displayed our character as an Average Joe, and highlighted that he was in this world without any specialist equipment or skills. The clothes we chose are all quite old and look worn, particulaly the jacket, which has the odd tear and frays coming off it. This definately adds to the post apolcalypitc feel we are trying to acheive in our trailer due to the scruffy, deshevilled look of the clothes. We used a few props, but not all that many, the main one we used was a colt replica BB pistol and an air rifle with a scope. The pistol in particular, pretty much became part of the costume as he carried it throughout the trailer in the post-apocalyptic sequence in the trailer.

The Title Of The Film

The title of the film is at the end of the trailer because mostly this is a conventional position for the title to appear. This is due to the fact that the title sticks in the audiences mind as something they should go and see. The title itself is has a simplistic white on black style which makes the font prominent and eye-catching to the viewer. The font used has a weathered effect with an inconsistent tone and texture, this is to conform to the genre and also give a final indication to the audience what genre the film is if for some reason they had not figured it out by this point.