How old are you?
This was generally answered with 15-19, which shows that
many of the people who answered this questionnaire were part of our target
What film Genre do you generally like?
Action and horror were among the favourites here, this bodes
well for us as our film is mainly an action.
How often do you generally watch films?
This was answered primarily with weekly/2-6 days this is a
useful insight into the film habits of our target audience.
Have you ever seen a post apocalyptic film?
Many people said no however much less than what I expected,
it shows that this kind of film is relatively recognisable
What is your view on the theme of post apocalypse?
Most people seemed to think the post apocalyptic theme was a
good concept, which shows there is still much public interest over our type of
What catches your eye in the trailer of a film?
The general trend for our answers was the effects, actors,
amount of action and generally how the entire trailer catches the audience's
eye. We will take this into account while making our trailer.
Is there anything that may be in the trailer of a film that
may deter you from watching the actual thing?
Many people talked about corny acting, boring/generic
scenes, cheesy effects and basically any indicator that the film is generic or
dull. This is relatively useful as we have always been trying to aim to make
our film one of a kind and interesting from the first look.